Why Mr. Rogers still matters (a lot)

Mary Harrison, Ph.D., Research Associate at CEED, shared her thoughts about why filmmakers and TV producers continue to revisit both the life and philosophy of the real Mr. Rogers and the imaginary world of characters that he created.

Supporting Preemies and Their Parents

Katee L. Spaeth discusses her perspective on Premature babies and Their Parents: Providing Information and Support to Promote Optimal Development.

Tip Sheets

A collection of resources on topics related to child development and classroom environments, these tip sheets offer useful information for those who work with young children, as well as for parents and caregivers.

Child Development Core Story Videos

Learn about the importance of the early years with this educational video series: Part 1: Brain Architecture, Part 2: Serve and Return, Part 3: Stress, Part 4: Pay Now or Pay Later, and Part 5: Resilience.