DEVELOP Course ID: 200364 (online)
Explore what the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) tool is and how it is used in Minnesota’s Quality Rating and Improvement System, Parent Aware. This training is intended for directors, program administrators, education coordinators, principals, or any other program leadership staff.
What to expect
3 clock hours
Cost: free
This training is restricted to leadership of programs participating in Parent Aware. This three-day training requires attendance for all three days to complete the training. Attendees must attend all three days fully.
- Learn about the CLASS® observation process used in Parent Aware and its connection to program quality.
- Practice reviewing a Parent Aware CLASS® feedback report and learn about observation and scoring procedures.
- Learn how to support educators after receiving a CLASS® feedback report as part of Parent Aware’s full rating pathway.
- All online trainings are delivered via Zoom. You will be sent Zoom login information prior to the training.
Who should attend
This training is restricted to leadership of programs participating in Parent Aware, including administrators, center directors and assistant directors, and other program leadership.
This free training is restricted to leadership of programs participating in Parent Aware. On the registration form, you will be asked for your program name, or the program you work for, and its license number. Please share this free online training opportunity with the early childhood educators and administrators you work with.
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