Trainers and RBPD specialists can access TARSS support from CEED staff by emailing or calling 612-624-5708. Hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday; we will respond to calls and emails within two business days.
About us
CEED is home to the Trainer and Relationship-based Professional Development Specialist Support program (TARSS), funded by the state of Minnesota’s Department of Children, Youth, and Families. The TARSS program supports trainers, coaches, and relationship-based professional development (RBPD) specialists in the early education field.

We provide support through professional development for trainers, coaches, and RBPD specialists, including the following:
- Trainings for early childhood professionals who want to become trainers and course writers
- Events and conferences including our spring Trainer and RBPD Specialist Symposium and our Fall RBPD Retreat
- The Trainer Academy
- Training of Trainers events for DHS courses
- The RBPD Credential
- Observation and coaching for trainers
- Building trainer capacity statewide
- Recruiting trainers statewide
- Support for Develop users
- Data collection to evaluate the TARSS program
Want to know more? Below you’ll find video introductions to TARSS, training, and relationship-based professional development (RBPD)!
What does it take to become a trainer?
Take a look at our infographic detailing the financial and time investment you can expect to make to become an approved trainer in Minnesota.
Keep in touch
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Program staff

Ann Bailey, PhD, Director, CEED
Bailey has more than 20 years of experience in the field of education and special education, specifically in technical assistance and dissemination at regional and national levels, as well as teaching, evaluation, research, and training development. She oversees the research and evaluation work of CEED and is currently working on evaluation planning and research related to early childhood assessment, early childhood literacy, and child care systems.

Emily Beckstrom, MS, RBPD Manager
Beckstrom has 20 years of experience in various early childhood settings, with a passion for effective interactions, early literacy development and play—and the ways in which these things relate. Her work at CEED involves using the CLASS® tool as an observer in classrooms throughout Minnesota and helping to create and implement the process of revising the Minnesota Early Childhood Indicators of Progress.

Ashley Bonsen, Project and Curriculum Specialist
Bonsen has spent her entire professional career working in education at various levels. She has worked with learners of all ages, from infants and young children to adults in higher education. Her current role with the TARSS team allows her to continue helping other educators on their professional development journeys.

Melissa Donovan, MEd, TARSS Training Specialist
Donovan has been in the early childhood field for about 20 years in various roles. In her current role, she manages the rich professional development offerings provided by the TARSS program, including online and in-person courses and trainings as well as events like the RBPD Fall Retreat and Trainer and RBPD Specialist Symposium.

Kristina Erstad-Sankey, MSW, Associate Director of Program Quality
Erstad-Sankey oversees early childhood program quality work at CEED, including supporting early childhood coaches, educators, and administrators in a variety of settings (Head Start, licensed child care, and school districts) to expand their impact through intentional everyday practices. She oversees the CLASS® and coaching observations for Parent Aware, Minnesota’s Quality Rating and Improvement System, and leads a team of tool anchors and observers who continuously provide reliable, professional, and high-quality observations. She also oversees professional development for Parent Aware coaches including online learning communities, in-person training, online courses, and developing guidelines and protocols for delivery. She enjoys introducing early childhood professionals to motivational interviewing techniques, classroom observation tools, executive function measures, and relationship-based professional development practices.

Molly Hughes, MA, Mentor FCC Project Specialist
Hughes joined the TARSS team in 2023 after spending over 25 years in the field in a variety of direct care settings. She is also an approved trainer and course writer.

Mary McEathron, PhD, Research Associate and Lead Evaluator
McEathron has 20 years of experience evaluating state and local programs with an emphasis on useful evaluations that support learning and program improvements. She has worked with numerous training and professional development programs, and brings that experience to her work as the lead evaluator for TARSS.

Tamara Masters, PhD, TARSS Project Manager
Masters has worked in the early childhood field for 20 years in various roles including classroom teaching, home visiting, instructional coaching, training, and higher education. At CEED, she oversees the Trainer and Relationship-Based Specialist Support (TARSS) project, working to support and empower professionals in Minnesota’s early education system.
Need to get in touch with a member of our team? Email us at or call 612-624-5708.