Higher subsidies improve child care stability

Child care subsidies help qualifying families access high quality child care. New research shows that higher subsidy rates result in a better child care experience for these families.

CEED team leads revision of Minnesota’s Early Childhood Indicators of Progress

The Minnesota Department of Education recently tasked CEED with revising the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs). This important document describes things that children should know and be able to do before kindergarten. To revise the ECIPs, CEED staff put together work groups that drew members from geographically and racially diverse communities and from a wide range of fields.

Celebrating 50 years of CEED

CEED was founded in 1973 to encourage connections among faculty, students, and community members whose work focused on early childhood. Today, that vision continues to hold true as we provide professional development, conduct research, and share information to help the early childhood workforce improve outcomes for young children.

Introvert? Extrovert? Or other?

Curriculum Specialist Anna Landes Benz reflects on the complexity of identifying as an introvert or extrovert. She also offers tips for supporting children who are on the introverted end of the spectrum, whether at home or in the classroom.

Recent staff accomplishments

Recent publications and presentations by CEED researchers looked at young children’s social skills, reflective supervision, autonomy-supportive parenting, and more.