
Fun and informative tip sheets for summer!

Learn about exciting new ways to support children’s growth with our summer collection of tip sheets! We’ve got information on helping children develop executive function skills with music. And you’ll learn about encouraging play as an essential way to learn. Watch this space for more!

Higher subsidies improve child care stability

Child care subsidies help qualifying families access high quality child care. New research shows that higher subsidy rates result in a better child care experience for these families.

Musical ways to support inhibitory control

Inhibitory control is one of our executive function skills. It’s the skill that allows us to resist an unhelpful impulse or a temptation. Children learn inhibitory control over time, like other executive function skills. Adults can help! Our latest tip sheets explain that music offers fun opportunities to practice inhibitory control.

Our latest tip sheet suggests ways to use music in your work with children

Looking for advice on integrating music into your work with children? Our latest tip sheet is called Applying It: Engaging in Musical Play with Young Children. We created this resource in partnership with MacPhail Center for Music. Try out some of our ideas for musical play with infants through preschoolers!

TARSS launches peer mentoring opportunity

Family child care providers do important, demanding work. TARSS’ new initiative, Mentor FCC, will leverage peer mentorship to help support them.

CEED team leads revision of Minnesota’s Early Childhood Indicators of Progress

The Minnesota Department of Education recently tasked CEED with revising the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs). This important document describes things that children should know and be able to do before kindergarten. To revise the ECIPs, CEED staff put together work groups that drew members from geographically and racially diverse communities and from a wide range of fields.