
How storytelling boosts our executive functioning: a Q & A with Chris Wing

In this Q & A, speech-language pathologist Chris Wing, PhD ’13, explains how language development is linked to attachment and emotional regulation. She also talks about encouraging children and adults to tell personal stories as a strategy to build their communication and executive functioning skills.

How to support children’s development with storytelling

Chris Wing, PhD, is a speech-language pathologist who has studied language development. She explains why telling stories about their lives helps children learn and grow in important ways. She also shares ways for caregivers and educators to encourage young storytellers’ skills!

NEW! Tip sheet on authentic assessment

Authentic assessment is recommended practice because it allows educators to gain a holistic picture of a child’s development. Our latest tip sheet is called Introducing It: The Authentic Assessment Cycle and Its Role in Early Childhood Education. It explores the authentic assessment cycle, and it explains how data is used to shape further instruction.