Consultation services

Our experts work with clients to develop and implement evidence-based solutions that support early learning.

We give each client the tools and data they need to address challenging issues in early education. Drawing on the latest research, we collaborate with teams and organizations to identify goals for change and strategies to meet each goal.

For more than 40 years, we’ve helped early educators and caregivers provide developmentally appropriate programming for children and families. Our experts have experience working with nonprofit, private, and government organizations. We tailor each project to our client’s needs.

Available consultation services

  • Classroom quality, including the Environmental Ratings Scales and CLASS®
  • Data-driven program improvement
  • Curriculum development
  • Training program development
  • Evaluation design
  • Research design

Example consultation projects

  • A five-part Bridging Education and Mental Health (BEAM) training series for a school district’s early childhood providers. The trainings highlighted research on early childhood mental health, stress biology, and trauma, and provided teachers and related service providers with strategies to support children’s social-emotional development.
  • Consultation for a Head Start program that included Pre-K CLASS® observations, follow-up coaching sessions, and feedback reports with recommendations for improvement.

Let us know how we can help

Learn more about our consultation services and how we can customize a project to meet your needs.

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