This five-part series of educational videos presents an accessible overview of children’s brain development and stresses the impact of the early years on the rest of our lives.
The videos were developed in collaboration with Institute of Child Development Director Megan Gunnar, PhD, as part of CEED’s Project for Babies. This project aimed to improve health and developmental outcomes for children by presenting evidence for special attention to their earliest experiences and interactions.
Thank you to the Greater Twin Cities United Way for providing financial support to develop the video, and to Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child for the use of images and other content. Thanks also to Vox Pop Video and Cliff Dahlberg for contributing to the project.
Child Development Core Story, Part 1: Brain Architecture
Child Development Core Story, Part 2: Serve and Return
Child Development Core Story, Part 3: Stress
Child Development Core Story, Part 4: Pay Now or Pay Later
Child Development Core Story, Part 5: Resilience
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Tags: infant and early childhood mental health, infants and toddlers, parents and caregivers