Fundamentals of authentic assessment
Program Quality Specialist Margarita Milenova, PhD, answers some common questions that teachers, administrators and parents have about assessments.
Program Quality Specialist Margarita Milenova, PhD, answers some common questions that teachers, administrators and parents have about assessments.
The national Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health honored Christopher Watson, PhD, co-director of the Reflective Practice Center, with the 2020 Deborah J. Weatherston Award.
Alyssa Meuwissen, PhD, discusses reflective practice, supporting kids’ self-regulation skills, and parenting to your personality
A conversation with Kristina Erstad-Sankey, Director of Program Quality at CEED.
Find relevant resource guides covering topics of interest to child care providers and early educators that are applicable during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the wake of COVID-19, Program Quality Specialist Hannah Riddle explores the ways in which the pandemic has affected child care providers.
For adults learning online the goal of assessment should be to support and extend authentic learning.
CEED is delighted to welcome Anne Larson, PhD, to our team as a research associate.
Karen Anderson provides administrative and technical support to all programs and projects at CEED.
Discover how we can lay the groundwork for learners to gain a sense of community online.