2020 is drawing to a close, and it was nothing if not memorable! We took a look back at CEED’s 10 most popular blog posts from the past year. From Mr. Rogers’ wisdom to kindergarten readiness at home, we hope you’ll revisit favorites or find a few gems you missed the first time around.
#1: Reflective practice in uncertain times: how you are is as important as what you do
#2: CEED releases e-book on reflective supervision
#3: Why Mr Rogers still matters—a lot
#4: Supporting kindergarten readiness at home
#5: New series of resource guides for early childhood professionals
#6: How COVID-19 has changed early childhood education
#7: Designing online learning for adults: three questions to ask before you start
#8: Meet CEED’s director: Q & A with Ann Bailey
#9: Training for reflective supervision: CEED’s new report is based on our nationwide survey
#10 Meet CEED’s newest team member: Q & A with Anne Larson
To all our readers and every member of the early childhood workforce, we wish you a peaceful, safe, and healthy holiday season and a wonderful new year!
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Tags: early childhood education, professional development, reflective practice, reflective supervision, staff and faculty