Inhibitory control is the skill that allows us to resist an impulse. Children develop this skill over time and with practice. Music is a tool that can be used to help children learn inhibitory control. Find out more in our tip sheets!
Our evidence-based tip sheets for early childhood professionals break topics down into two parts: theory (Introducing It) and practice (Applying It). This set of tip sheets explores music as a tool for practicing inhibitory control. We created this resource in partnership with MacPhail Center for Music, along with a set of tip sheets on music and emotional regulation.
Inhibitory control is one of our executive function skills. It’s the skill that allows us to resist an impulse. Download Introducing It: How Music Integration Supports Inhibitory Control Development in Young Children to learn more about this skill and how it ties into making music. Download Applying It: Helping Young Children Practice Inhibitory Control with Music to discover tips on making music a part of your work with children.
Rodriguez-Gomez D.A., Talero-Gutiérrez C. (2022). Effects of music training in executive function performance in children: A systematic review. Front Psychol., 13.
Brown, G., Blumenthal, M.A., & Allen, A.A. (2022). The sound of self-regulation: Music program relates to an advantage for children at risk, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 60, 126-136,
Joret, M.-E., Germeys, F., & Gidron, Y. (2017). Cognitive inhibitory control in children following early childhood music education. Musicae Scientiae, 21(3), 303-315.
Frischen, Schwarzer, & Degé (2021). Music lessons enhance executive functions in 6- to 7-year-old children. Learning and Instruction, 74.
Degé, F., Frischen, U. (2022). The impact of music training on executive functions in childhood—a systematic review. Z Erziehungswiss, 25, 579–602.
Degé, F., Patscheke, H., & Schwarzer, G. (2022). The influence of music training on motoric inhibition in German preschool children. Musicae Scientiae, 26(1), 172-184.
Slater J, Ashley R, Tierney A, Kraus N. (2018). Got rhythm? Better inhibitory control is linked with more consistent drumming and enhanced neural tracking of the musical beat in adult percussionists and nonpercussionists. J Cogn Neurosci. 30(1), 14-24. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_01189
Below is a list of resources referenced in Applying It: Helping Young Children Practice Inhibitory Control with Music.
Gadberry, Anita L. (2011). Steady beat and state anxiety. Journal of Music Therapy, 48(3), 346–356.
Diamond, A. (2013). Executive functions. Annual Review of Psychology, 64.
Rodriguez-Gomez D.A., Talero-Gutiérrez C. (2022). Effects of music training in executive function performance in children: A systematic review. Front Psychol., 13.
Brown, G., Blumenthal, M.A., & Allen, A.A. (2022). The sound of self-regulation: Music program relates to an advantage for children at risk, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 60, 126-136., 10.1016/j.ecresq.2022.01.002
Holmboe, K., Bonneville-Roussy, A., Csibra, G., Johnson, M.H. (2018) Longitudinal development of attention and inhibitory control during the first year of life. Dev Sci., 21.
Looking for advice on integrating music into your work with children? Our latest tip sheet is called Applying It: Engaging in Musical Play with Young Children. We created this resource in partnership with MacPhail Center for Music. Try out some of our ideas for musical play with infants through preschoolers!
Musical play has a lot to offer besides entertainment. One benefit is that it can help young children learn and practice emotional regulation skills. If you’re wondering how to get started integrating music into your classroom activities or other work with children, our latest tip sheet can help! It’s called Applying It: Engaging in Musical Play with Young Children. We created this tip sheet in partnership with expert educators at MacPhail Center for Music. This downloadable resource gives practical suggestions for using music in the classroom.
Family child care providers do important, demanding work. TARSS’ new initiative, Mentor FCC, will leverage peer mentorship to help support them.
The Trainer and RBPD Specialist Support (TARSS) program is piloting a new peer mentoring initiative specifically for family child care (FCC) providers throughout the state. Mentor FCC will pair experienced FCC providers with newer FCC providers–as well as those at any stage of their career who would like peer support. Participants will have the opportunity to make a difference by sharing their experience and giving feedback about Mentor FCC that will make the initiative stronger.
“Our goal is to help FCC providers across the state form connections with each other. Running a family child care business is very demanding, and it can be hard for FCC providers to find a mentor and build a relationship with them,” says Molly Hughes, Mentor FCC Project Specialist.
Mentors and mentees will meet virtually for up to 4 hours a month. The commitment is for one year. Mentors will be paid $30 an hour and will be required to participate in the Mentor FCC Online Learning Community (OLC) for an hour a month.
TARSS is currently accepting applications for both mentor roles and mentee roles. There is a special need for rural FCC providers, FCC providers of color, and bilingual FCC providers to participate.
The Minnesota Department of Education recently tasked CEED with revising the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs). This important document describes things that children should know and be able to do before kindergarten. To revise the ECIPs, CEED staff put together work groups that drew members from geographically and racially diverse communities and from a wide range of fields.
Minnesota’s Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs) lay out a shared set of expectations for Minnesota’s young children at different ages. The ECIPs describe things children should know and be able to do before kindergarten. This document, which was designed to inform practice in the early childhood field, was originally drafted in 2007 and last revised in 2016. Last year, the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) tasked CEED with a new revision of the ECIPs. Emily Beckstrom and Ashley Bonsen, both project specialists, and Anna Landes Benz, curriculum specialist, teamed up to lead the project.
Every state has its own early learning guidelines for preschoolers, and most have early learning guidelines for infants and toddlers, too. Program directors and educators may refer to these guidelines when developing instructional activities for the children in their care. Specialists like speech-language pathologists may refer to them when coming up with plans for the children they work with. In Minnesota, the ECIPs consist of eight domains, each representing a major area of child development:
Approaches to Learning
The Arts
Language, Literacy, and Communication
Physical and Movement Development
Scientific Thinking
Social and Emotional Development
Social Systems
The number of domains, the skills and knowledge categorized under each domain, and the names for the domains vary from state to state.
“The domain that we in Minnesota call ‘The Arts’ is a good example of how early learning standards vary. Minnesota’s ECIPs link creativity and curiosity to making art, like theater or music. But not all states have ‘The Arts’ as a standalone domain,” says Beckstrom. “The dispositions and skills that our document associates with art might show up in a different domain, such as Approaches to Learning.”
Determining the revision process
Beckstrom, Bonsen, and Landes Benz designed Minnesota’s ECIPs revision process almost from scratch. For guidance, Landes Benz, CEED Director Ann Bailey, and CEED Professional Development Coordinator Deborah Ottman, met virtually with the team that led the revision of Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards. CEED staff used elements of what had worked well in Ohio, such as a public comment survey. They issued an open call for applications to work groups that would tackle each individual domain. Their work group application process, too, drew inspiration from the one that was used in Ohio–and it was very successful.
“We got almost two hundred applications in 10 days,” says Bonsen. “People are extremely passionate about children and early childhood education, and that’s what oozed out of all the applications.”
Some work group participants were invited to apply. Others nominated themselves or others. The work groups were made up of geographically and racially diverse experts from a wide range of fields. There were teachers and staff from public schools and Head Start; center and family child care providers; and parents. College faculty; experts on special education, the hard-of-hearing population, and other needs and abilities; and occupational and speech-language therapists also joined. Most participants had five years’ experience or more in their field. Some work group members had been part of the 2017 revision of the ECIPs.
“It was helpful to have those [returning] participants, especially those who were working in the same domain and saying, ‘We had hoped this would happen. It didn’t. Let’s work on it again’,” says Landes Benz.
Before the work groups convened, CEED staff worked with Rebecca Nathan (Aviellah Curriculum and Consulting), who provided critically important grounding in best practice around diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) for facilitators and work group members. Nathan helped guide the content, conversation starters, and framework that the work groups used to keep a strong equity lens at the heart of the revision project. Nathan often reminded the facilitators that keeping DEIA front-and-center during work group meetings was only a first step. Like all DEIA work, ensuring that the ECIPs serve young children from all of Minnesota’s communities is an ongoing process.
The work groups came together for three virtual working meetings facilitated by CEED personnel (Bailey, Beckstrom, and Bonsen). Each group followed the same revision process. They began by agreeing upon a diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) approach. Next they evaluated existing content and language in each domain and looked at the latest research. Frederique Corcoran, a doctoral student at CEHD, created research summaries for each domain, organizing the latest information about child development and the impact of recent societal changes. Finally, the work groups drafted proposed changes and developed consensus around the new drafts. Participants brought their knowledge and experience to the process, as well as strong opinions that sometimes gave rise to healthy debate.
“Some groups were very much on the same page from the beginning,” says Landes Benz. “For others, the complexity of the domain created more room for passion.”
One challenge was to show how much room for individual variation there truly is in child development. The ECIPs categorize skills into an age-range continuum, describing what children can do aged zero to one, one to two, two to three, and so on.
“A particular skill might be observable by age two, but then again, it might not,” Bonsen explains. “How do we capture that variability?”
Another challenge was categorizing skills and abilities into the eight domains.
“For example, writing letters or numbers shows up in fine motor development. It should also show up under literacy, art, and math,” Bonsen continues. “How do we demonstrate that when you’re working on a coloring activity, it’s not just coloring? By the way, all these domains of development are linked! If the ECIPs show this, we can help those new to the field understand that there is a lot of fuel for learning in play. Play is not just free time.”
Many of the work groups found that the existing ECIPs did not necessarily reflect the different cultures and environments in which Minnesotan children grow and learn.
“For example, the previous version of the Physical and Movement Development domain might have talked about a child using a spoon to feed themself. But that is not an East African cultural reference. Our work groups needed to come up with observable skills that were free from the trappings of Western culture,” says Bonsen.
“So the challenge was to not be too rigid about the exemplars, but extrapolate to what’s actually intended,” Landes Benz adds. “If the kids don’t specifically string beads on a string, what would be comparable to that?”
“We try to remind ourselves that if we don’t check the bias that’s in this tool right now, kids are going to receive that,” says Beckstrom. “So the work groups worked diligently to be really honest about the bias that we did see in the ECIPs and to address it in new language choices.”
The team credits Corcoran’s research with helping the work groups describe development within domains in a robust and inclusive way.
The legacy of the pandemic
Each of the work groups confronted two themes that flowed from the COVID-19 pandemic as well as broader changes in society. The first was technology.
“Technology has a dominating role in almost every domain related to relationship development, attention, and persistence,” Beckstrom says.
“Children access technology at younger and younger ages,” Bonsen adds. “Some one-year-olds know how to skip ads on YouTube. Whether we like it or not, digital literacy is something children need to be members of society.”
The second theme was trauma and resilience. The revised ECIPs are informed by the role of trauma, particularly as it impacts skills in the Approaches to Learning domain. These include executive function skills. MDE specifically requested that CEED take a close look at how executive function is represented in the ECIPs. MDE wanted the document to clarify the role of executive function in early learning and development. The team brought on CEED’s resident expert on executive function, Research Associate Alyssa Meuwissen, PhD, to assist with this effort.
Before sending the draft ECIPs to MDE for review, the CEED team engaged content experts to take a final look at them. The feedback they received was encouraging, and it matched up with Corcoran’s research findings and what they heard from work group members.
“They are all agreeing,” says Landes Benz. “It’s good to feel that validation, in all these different information streams, that we’re on the right track instead of there being a conflict or gap.”
Music is a part of every human culture, and many caregivers instinctively include musical play in their interactions with children. But music does more than entertain; there’s evidence it can help children learn emotional regulation skills. Read more in our latest tip sheets!
Music affects us on several different levels. Music can help convey a sense of safety, helping to calm activated nervous systems. On the flip side, musical play can be an outlet for our feelings and offer a chance to practice labeling different emotions. Music also presents opportunities for creativity and social interaction. And it can help groups coordinate their efforts, as when educators rely on familiar songs to help children transition between activities or focus on a task like cleaning up toys.
Did you know that in addition to being an enriching experience, music in the classroom can help children build emotion regulation skills? Download our latest tip sheets to learn more.
Our evidence-based tip sheets for early childhood professionals break topics down into two parts: theory (Introducing It) and practice (Applying It). In partnership with MacPhail Center for Music, we created a set of tip sheets exploring music as a tool to help children build emotional regulation skills. Introducing It: The Benefits of Music Integration to Emotional Regulation Development in Young Children digs into the research that supports music integration in the classroom. Applying It: Engaging in Musical Play with Young Children gives practical suggestions for use with young children.
For additional information and suggestions on integrating music into your classroom, check out these sample resources.
MacPhail Center for Music offers videos and blog posts with suggested activities and more information about the benefits of music.
A Music Together playlist brings together recorded lullabies from several different cultures.
José-Luis Orozco’s recordings of Latin American children’s songs are available on YouTube.The PBS program Daniel Tiger features “strategy songs” in each episode.
These songs talk about experiences like feeling mad or separating from a caregiver.
Search YouTube for social story songs that can help kids with social-emotional concepts, such as “That’s a Boundary” by Hopscotch or songs from the Storybots episode “Emotions.”
Below is a list of sources referenced in Introducing It: The Benefits of Music Integration to Emotional Regulation Development in Young Children.
Rosanbalm, K. D., & Murray, D. W. (2017). Co-Regulation from Birth through Young Adulthood: A Practice Brief. OPRE Brief #2017-80. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, US. Department of Health and Human Services.
Mehr, S.A., Singh, M., Knox, D., Ketter, D.M., Pickens-Jones, D., Atwood, S., Lucas, C., Jacoby, N., Egner, A.A., & Glowacki, L. (2019) Universality and diversity in human song. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.aax0868
Teie, D. (2016) A comparative analysis of the universal elements of music and the fetal environment. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1158. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01158
Harrington, E.M., Trevino, S.D., Lopez, S., & Giuliani, N.R. (2020). Emotion regulation in early childhood: Implications for socioemotional and academic components of school readiness. Emotion. DOI:
Brown, E., Blumenthal, M.A., & Allen, A.A. (2022). The sound of self-regulation: Music program relates to an advantage for children at risk. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 60, 126-136. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2022.01.002
Brown, E.D., Garnett, M.L., Velasquez-Martin, B.M., & Mellor, T.J. (2017a). The art of Head Start: Intensive arts integration associated with advantage in school readiness for economically disadvantaged children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 45(2018), 204-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2017.12.002
Brown, E. D. , Sax, K. (2013). Arts enrichment and emotion expression and regulation for young children at risk. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28, 337-346. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2012.08.002
Kraus, N., Hornickel, J., Strait, D.L., Slater, J., and Thompson, E. (2014). Engagement in community music classes sparks neuroplasticity and language development in children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1403. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01403
Porges, S.W., Bono, K.E., Ullery, M.A., Bazhenova, O., Castillo, A., Bal, E., & Scott, K. (2018). Listening to music improves language skills in children prenatally exposed to cocaine. Music and Medicine 10(3), 121-129. DOI: 10.47513/mmd.v10i3.636
Halverson-Ramos, F., Breyfogle, S., Brinkman, T., Hannan, A., Hyatt, C., Horowitz, S., Martin, T., Masko, M., Newman, J., & Sehr, A. (2019). Music therapy in child and adolescent behavioral health. American Music Therapy Association, Inc.
Winsler, A., Ducenne, L., & Koury, A. (2011). Singing one’s way to self-regulation: The role of early music and movement curricula and private speech. Early Education and Development, 22(2), 274-304. DOI: 10.1080/10409280903585739
Brown, E. D., Garnett, M. L., Anderson, K. E., & Laurenceau, J. P. (2017b). Can the arts get under the skin? Arts and cortisol for economically disadvantaged children. Child Development, 88(4), 1368-1381. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12652
Zosh, J.M., Hopkins, E.J., Jensen, H., Liu, C., Neale, D., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Solis, S.L., & Whitebread, D. (2017). Learning through play: A review of the evidence [White paper]. The LEGO Foundation.
Webb, A.R., Heller, H.T., Benson, C.B., and Lahav, A. (2015). Mother’s voice and heartbeat sounds elicit auditory plasticity in the human brain before full gestation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(10), 3152-7. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1414924112
Tierney, A. & Kraus, N. (2013). Music training for the development of reading skills. In M.M. Merzenich, M. Nahum, & T.M. Van Vleet (Eds.), Progress in brain research (pp. 209-41). Elsevier. DOI:
Register, D. & Humpal, M. (2007). Using musical transitions in early childhood classrooms: Three case examples. Music Therapy Perspectives, 25(1), 25-31. DOI: 10.1093/mtp/25.1.25
Below is a list of sources referenced in Applying It: Engaging in Musical Play with Young Children.
MacPhail Center for Music. (2023, June 20). Sing, play, learn with MacPhail®: The finger family.
Cerniglia, E. G. (2013). Preschool Through Kindergarten: Musical Play in Early Childhood Classrooms: Taking It One Step Further. YC Young Children, 68(5), 68–73.
Along with our partners at Mind in the Making, we’re excited to announce a new online training series suitable for professionals who work with children and families as well as parents! The series offers research-based ways to bolster children’s (and adults’) executive function skills.
We’re excited to announce a new, 8-module online training series called Mind in the Making: Essential Life Skills for Children and Adults. We’re offering this training series in partnership with the Families and Work Institute. With author Ellen Galinsky, motivational speaker Erin Ramsey, and nonprofit leader Jacquelyn Santiago Nazario as guides, the modules explore the science behind executive function through the lens of Seven Essential Life Skills.
The Seven Essential Life Skills are:
Focus and Self-Control
Perspective Taking
Making Connections
Critical Thinking
Taking on Challenges
Self-Directed, Engaged Learning
These skills are described in detail in this downloadable graphic:
Executive function has become something of a buzzword. But what does this term really mean? It refers to a set of brain-based skills that allow us to manage our social, emotional and cognitive capacities to pursue goals. We use these skills many times every day, like when we need to follow directions, resist an unhelpful impulse, switch tasks, or consider another person’s perspective. (Check out our free, downloadable Tip Sheets on executive function for more information.)
Executive function skills are fundamental to success in school, at work, and in social environments. Like other skills (tying shoelaces, riding a bike, learning an instrument), children aren’t born with them. They learn them through practice, ideally with the help of trusted adults–people like us. So, can we adults also improve our executive function skills? Yes, we can! In fact, when we understand, value, and practice these skills, we’re in the best possible position to help the children in our care do the same.
Mind in the Making: Essential Life Skills for Children and Adults is based on research from child development experts here at the University of Minnesota and at other leading academic institutions around the country. The training series offers “virtual field trips” into these researchers’ labs so participants can learn about the studies that have shaped our concept of executive function. The series also includes plenty of practical tools and strategies. Participants will use these to apply their new knowledge right away at work and and often report that this training is life-changing.
This training series is suitable for professionals who work with children and families, such as educators in schools and child care settings, parent educators, social workers and home visitors, medical professionals, and early interventionists. It’s also appropriate for parents and caregivers with children aged from birth through eight.
Studies show that children benefit from being enrolled in early care and education (ECE) programs. Children in foster care are at greater risk for challenges at school and outside of it–challenges that ECE can help them prepare to overcome. A new report details the ECE participation of Minnesota children in foster care as well as barriers to enrollment that they may face.
Early care and education (ECE) programs–like child care, private and public preschool, Head Start, early childhood special education (ECSE), and Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)–offer a lot of benefits to young children. Research suggests ECE programs boost children’s and their families’ health and wellbeing over their lifetimes. These programs are even thought to contribute to better parenting practices. And of course, ECE helps young children get ready for kindergarten, setting them up for success academically and socially.
The Minnesota legislature was interested in knowing more about how many children in foster care in Minnesota participate in ECE programs. They also wanted to find out what the possible barriers to participation might be and how to address them. The Minnesota Department of Human Services, on behalf of the legislature, commissioned a study with the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) and its partner, CEED, to answer these questions.
Researchers from CASCW and CEED accessed public data from 2019 to learn about children in foster care and their enrollment in ECE programs. They released an initial report describing their findings, including the fact that less than half (43.7%) of young children in foster care participated in ECE in 2019. That figure is similar to the percentage of the general child population in Minnesota who participated (44.1%). Yet it is arguably very important for children in foster care to access ECE. Studies have found that children in foster care are more likely to face challenges both in school and in their lives outside of school. ECE programs could help children in foster care build a foundation to overcome those challenges.
The researchers learned that barriers to ECE participation could pop up anywhere in the process of finding, enrolling in, and attending an ECE program.
Families said that simply finding a suitable ECE program to access was the hardest part. There were too few programs with too few openings for children. There were logistical problems with work hours, program schedules, and transportation. Also, too few high-quality programs accepted Early Learning Scholarships–a type of financial assistance that helps families afford ECE.
Many families said child welfare workers and ECE staff members were a big help in getting children enrolled in programs, but that wasn’t the case across the state. Some families leaned instead on foster family support groups and personal networks for information and support in finding ECE programs.
Opportunities for improvement
In speaking with study participants, the research team found that foster and biological family members, ECE educators, and child welfare workers all felt that ECE was important both to children and their families. Interviewees offered ideas for lowering barriers that agreed with the researchers’ recommendations–ideas like better information-sharing and statewide guidance for child welfare workers on assisting families with signing up for ECE. The report also recommends that the state invest in ECE programs themselves.
“The greatest barrier to ECE participation may also be the most difficult one to fix: program capacity,” says Ann Bailey, PhD, director of CEED and one of the researchers involved in the project. “Our conversations with families and educators painted a vivid picture of the ongoing shortage of high-quality early childhood programming, especially in rural areas of the state. However, we can also do a better job of helping families get connected with existing ECE programs. The easier we make it to get children in foster care enrolled in ECE, the better for everyone.”
Minnesota’s Knowledge and Competency Framework (KCF) for trainers informs trainings, observations, and evaluations for trainers. Download the KCF in English, Somali, or Spanish.
Minnesota’s Knowledge and Competency Framework (KCF) is a comprehensive description of trainer competencies on which to base training of trainers, trainer observation, or trainer evaluation. The framework is designed to support the work of trainers who train Minnesota’s early childhood and school age care practitioners.
This document is available in English, Somali, and Spanish. It includes:
Guiding principles of professional development (training)
Uses of this Knowledge and Competency Framework
Dispositions of trainers
Key terminology
Download the English language version of Minnesota’s KCF:
CEED was founded in 1973 to encourage connections among faculty, students, and community members whose work focused on early childhood. Today, that vision continues to hold true as we provide professional development, conduct research, and share information to help the early childhood workforce improve outcomes for young children.
CEED was founded in the fall of 1973 as an “interdepartmental unit” within the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD). CEED was created to encourage connections and collaborations among faculty, students, and community members who were interested in early childhood. At its inception, along with Director Shirley G. Moore, a professor in the Institute of Child Development (ICD), CEED’s staff consisted of Associate Director Richard Weinberg, PhD, and Coordinator Erna Fishhaut. They held conferences, round tables, and seminars (many open to the public); distributed fact sheets and mailed out newsletters; talked with Minnesota legislators; and even set up a lending library filled with materials relevant to early childhood professionals.
CEED Coordinator Erna Fishhaut in 1979Shirley G. Moore and Rich Weinberg in conversation in the late 1980s or early 1990sChristopher Watson, Marti Erickson, and Rich WeinbergCEED staff in 1977Professional Growth Institute attendees and CEED staff in 197710th Anniversary Minnesota Round Table on Early Childhood, 1983
Today, Director Ann Bailey, PhD, leads a group of 14 full-time and several part-time staff who carry on that early legacy of translating early childhood research into practice that can improve the lives of young children and the professionals who care for and teach them.
CEED’s staff has grown to 14 full-time and several part-time employees under Director Ann Bailey’s leadership
CEED’s work can be broken down into several activities.
Professional development
We offer in-person and virtual training for early childhood educators, programs, and administrators with an emphasis on classroom assessment using the CLASS(R) tool.
We work with academic institutions and community partners on a range of projects touching early childhood. Some of CEED’s current projects include:
Conducting classroom observations for early childhood education programs
Revising Minnesota’s Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (early learning guidelines that describe what children should be able to do before kindergarten)
A pilot study of a reflective supervision program for county child welfare workers
Helping the Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery update and publish their in-house training curriculum
A four-year study of the impact of subsidies on providers’ and families’ participation in child care assistance programs (in partnership with UMN’s Department of Applied Economics)
We partner with other CEHD departments on valuable content for people in the field, like an online library of professional development resources for child welfare workers (co-created with the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare) and the Building Family Resiliency podcast (co-created with the Institute on Community Integration).
Kerri Gershone works with CEED as Professional Development Policy and Implementation Specialist at the Minnesota Department of Human Services.
“People at CEED have a certain je ne sais quoi that combines professionalism, passion, and compassionate humanity,” she says. “Often when we meet, in addition to discussing our agenda items, we’ll discuss important issues facing the field, how we approach our work, and best practices in providing high quality education to both adults and children. I know that this content isn’t just work for CEED employees, it’s also their passion and area of expertise.”
Bailey agrees.
“I’m grateful for the people who have chosen to bring their talents, their curiosity, and their drive to CEED,” she says. “They show up every day excited to advance the early childhood field and ultimately, to have a positive impact on the lives of early childhood professionals and the children and families they serve.”