Our new, evidence-based tip sheets explore topics of relevance to early childhood professionals. Our latest tip sheet is called Introducing It: Using the Early Learning Guidelines to Track Development for Assessment. It is the second in our series exploring aspects of authentic assessment. Access the first in the series here.
Authentic assessment lets educators get a holistic picture of a child’s development. To interpret that picture, though, we need to understand what’s typical in child development. This tip sheet discusses developmental milestones and Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs). Developmental milestones and ECIPs are two different sets of early learning guidelines. They describe behaviors and abilities that children usually develop at different ages. Learn more by downloading this free resource below!
Make sure to check out our other tip sheets! Do you have feedback to share or an idea for a topic you’d like to see? Email us!
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Tags: assessment, child care, early childhood education, infant and early childhood mental health, tip sheets