Celebrating fiscal year two of the TARSS program

See how many people attended our trainings over the past year…and find out exactly how many email inquiries we answered!

July marked the end of our second fiscal year as the home of the TARSS program. We are so proud to have served more than a thousand participants through our trainings and events this past year. And thank you to all our colleagues in the trainer and RBPD specialist space for making 2023-2024 an exciting year full of learning and growth!

TARSS fiscal year 2022-23 infographic; text version below image

Year in Review: July 2022 – July 2023

  • 62 total trainings offered
  • 971 total participants attended
  • 105 participants attended the RBPD Fall Retreat
  • 56 participants attended the Trainer and RBPD Specialist Symposium
  • 4 Train the Trainers (TOTs) offered
  • $5,300+ in scholarships given for trainers and RBPD specialists to attend TARSS events
  • 2153 emails answered

Recent staff accomplishments

Read the latest on our work and find out who just celebrated 10 years at CEED!

Margarita Milenova
Margarita Milenova

In April, Program Quality Specialist Margarita Milenova, PhD, celebrated 10 years and Research Associate Alyssa Meuwissen, PhD, celebrated five years working at CEED.

Training Specialist Melissa Donovan became an approved course writer through the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS). She wrote and submitted her first early childhood training course on self-care for child care providers in April.

Meuwissen completed data collection on a study of reflective professional development for child welfare workers. Funded by the Sauer Foundation, this project aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a reflective consultation-plus-training model. Meuwissen presented the project model as well as her research findings at the Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health-Minnesota Social Services Association conference in May. 

In June, CEED Director Ann Bailey, PhD, presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Professionals Learning Institute in Portland, Oregon, along with colleagues Amy Dorman, MPP, from the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, and ICD graduate student Frederique Corcoran. The title of their presentation was “Access to Early Childhood Programming for Children in Foster Care.” 

The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) awarded a contract to conduct Pre-K CLASS™ observations for programs participating in Parent Aware (Minnesota’s Quality Rating and Improvement System) to CEED. CEED’s Early Childhood Program Quality Team has been conducting these observations for the past 16 years. DHS also renewed their contract with CEED to implement the Trainer and RBPD Specialist Support (TARSS) program which  provides professional development for early childhood trainers and coaches.

“We’re co-learners asking questions together”: a Q & A with Implementation Specialist Molly Hughes

Meet Implementation Specialist Molly Hughes and learn about her work on observations and coaching for educators, trainers, and RBPD specialists.

Molly Hughes joined CEED in April 2023 and divides her efforts between our Early Childhood Program Quality work and the Trainer and RBPD Specialist Support (TARSS) program. In this Q & A, she shares her thoughts on the power of relationships to support learning and professional growth.

What is the educational or career path that brought you to CEED?

Molly Hughes

I studied biology for my undergraduate degree. After college, I nannied for a family with triplets. When the triplets went to preschool, I needed a new adventure so I started my own business as a family child care provider. I ran that program for 22 years. During that time, I earned my master’s in early childhood from Concordia University and I became a trainer as well. 

I closed my child care program because of competing responsibilities. Child care providers are sometimes in a position where they are not sure they can continue, often due to burnout. On the other hand, they are reluctant to step away because they know there is a severe shortage of care. For me, the tipping point came when I felt I could no longer be reliable for the families that my program served, because I occasionally had to close in order to care for elderly family members.

When this role opened at CEED, I knew it would be a good fit. I bring to the table decades of experience as a child care provider and trainer, so I can relate to and anticipate our audiences’ needs.

You mentioned becoming a trainer. Can you talk a little bit about what professional development looks like for child care providers?

Center-based and family child care providers are required to complete a certain amount of continuing education hours each year. Some trainings are fairly generic and cover important fundamentals, like active supervision, sudden unexpected infant death, and abusive head trauma. But beyond those basics, you are able to fill in your hours with things you choose. 

I lucked out in becoming a trainer at a time when a lot of Training-of-Trainers (TOT) opportunities were being offered. TOTs prepare trainers to offer courses from the Department of Human Services. I got a lot of those under my belt. Then I started writing my own courses and delving into other topics. COVID also meant less demand for in-person training. So I decided to tilt my focus more towards course writing and trying to support providers, especially those who have been in the field for decades and are looking for something new and different. 

What is your role at CEED?

My title is implementation specialist for the TARSS program. I also conduct CLASS™ observations and trainings and do field observations of Parent Aware coaches. I lead the trainer observation program for TARSS and co-lead our online learning community for RBPD specialists and our professional learning community for course writers. I gather data to determine the coaching needs for trainers and sometimes develop the content for those trainings. And I’m excited to say I’m organizing the TARSS Fall RBPD Retreat.

Those are a lot of different responsibilities! Is there a common thread that runs through them all?

The RBPD piece is the major common denominator.  Whether I’m conducting a CLASS observation and sharing feedback with an educator, helping trainers access observations and coaching, or facilitating our online community for RBPD specialists, I am supporting early childhood professionals in improving their practice. This approach to professional development really complements traditional trainings because we know that often deeper learning occurs within the context of relationship-based professional development to which the learner is personally committed. The benefits flow from our work at CEED and in the TARSS program to the trainers, course writers, and RBPD specialists, and from there they flow to the educators, and finally they affect children and families. And that’s our ultimate goal: to benefit children and families.

What do RBPD specialists or coaches do for child care providers? 

The goal of coaching for child care providers is to build a collaborative relationship that helps the provider choose an area that they want to develop. That could mean solving a problem. It could mean trying something new or gaining a new skill. The coach works with the provider to determine their goals and the area of growth they want to focus on. Then the coach supports them in figuring out how to get there.

Coaching is different from being a trainer conveying information to a trainee. The coach and the provider are sitting side-by-side. A coach doesn’t need to be the expert on everything–in fact, they can’t be. Instead, they have to be willing to dig in together with the provider as co-learners. A book I like on this subject is Coaching with Powerful Interactions. It gives key ideas about forming relationships, extending learning, and asking questions. Some of it feels very intuitive. These are definitely skills that coaches need to develop.

Research shows that coaching relationships can be more effective as professional development than training. Part of that is because once you’ve left a training, it’s on you to implement what you’ve learned. And although trainings can be inspiring, it’s not easy to retain that momentum on your own. With coaching, you decide what you want to change and improve. You have somebody to work with you, help you find resources, define action steps, listen to things that might get in the way of reaching your goals, help you problem-solve, and hold you accountable.

It really goes back to relationships. Think of teachers in your life who have made an impact on you. Often there is a solid relationship there. In my experience, the most effective training also makes use of relationships. People are often surprised to learn I am actually a shy introvert. I don’t like large groups; that’s not my jam. So, how am I up there, talking to a roomful of people? I can do it because to me, it’s a conversation. When I lead a training that becomes an authentic conversation, I come out of it full of energy. There’s that relationship thing again: connecting with people. 

What would you like people to know about training and coaching for child care providers?

It’s crucial. Ultimately, the importance of training and coaching circles back to parallel process. Parallel process is a concept from reflective supervision that captures how a supervisor’s relationship with a frontline provider can play out in that provider’s relationship with the children or families they work with. We have to educate the educators in order for them to effectively educate children. When we take an RBPD-style approach to professional development for child care providers, we’re saying, “We’re co-learners. We’re asking questions together.” Parallel process means that providers establish the same pattern with children: “We’re letting children have a voice in what they want to learn and asking about what’s meaningful to them.”

What do you do for fun?

I read, hike, knit, and donate my knitted blankets. I read a little bit of everything. If someone hands me a book and says, “You should read this,” I’ll give it a try. I’m currently reading A Man Called Ove, and I’m in the middle of Outlander

We love hiking in state parks and taking road trip vacations. The coolest was our trip to Washington and Oregon. We took two weeks and stopped and hiked every single day. My husband fishes, so over spring break we go to Kentucky which has really good state parks. Recently, we did six parks in three days. We did drive through Great Smoky Mountains National Park, but unfortunately it rained all day, and you couldn’t see the mountains. The ground was lovely, though!

Reflective Interaction Observation Scale (RIOS™)

The Reflective Interaction Observation Scale (RIOS™) was developed at CEED to identify the extent to which a reflective supervisory or consultation session demonstrates a reflective process grounded in infant mental health theory and principles. Learn about its use as a research tool and as a practical aid during reflective supervision sessions.

Reflective supervision* is a type of relationship-based professional development. It involves regular, ongoing support given by supervisors or consultants to increase the supervisee’s reflective capacity. Reflective supervision uses emotions as data to explore the network of relationships surrounding the supervisee and their clients. It integrates knowledge about a young child’s development with an understanding of the parent’s or caregiver’s needs. In addition, reflective supervision provides emotional support and increases the job skills and self-efficacy of supervisees.

Our free e-book, Reflective Supervision/Consultation: Preventing Burnout, Boosting Effectiveness, and Renewing Purpose for Frontline Workers, introduces reflective supervision. The e-book includes testimonials from professionals who have benefited from reflective supervision in their workplace. It also includes information on the Reflective Interaction Observation Scale (RIOS™) tool. For an in-depth look at the RIOS™ tool, RIOS™Guide for Reflective Supervision and Consultation in the Infant and Early Childhood Field, out now from Zero to Three, is an essential companion.

*Throughout this website, we refer to the provision of reflective support by either a reflective supervisor (within an organization) or a reflective consultant (from outside the organization) as reflective supervision.

RIOS™ research tool

The RIOS was developed at CEED to identify the extent to which a supervisory or consultation session demonstrates a reflective process grounded in infant mental health theory and principles. The RIOS is aligned with the competencies of the Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health® supported by the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.

As a research tool, the RIOS is used to gain an understanding of a particular form of supervision and consultation that is based in developmental and attachment theory, trauma-informed practice, and the rapidly growing body of research exploring interpersonal neuroscience (Sroufe, 1996; Sroufe, Egeland, Carlson & Collins, 2005; Bowlby, 1969/1982; Siegel & Shamoon-Shahnook, 2010; Siegel, 2012).

The RIOS explores interactions between a supervisor and supervisee(s) engaged in direct service work. The tool allows us to describe the content and characteristics of the interactions between the supervisor and supervisee(s) at a given moment in time. The focus is not specifically on either the supervisor or supervisee(s), but rather on “the space between” the two: what the pair attends to and how they interact (Watson, Harrison, Hennes, & Harris, 2016). The process is not about judging either participant; it is about understanding what is at play in their work together.

The RIOS identifies the “active ingredients” in a reflective supervision session that set it apart from administrative supervision and other forms of relationship-based professional development, such as coaching, mentoring, and traditional clinical supervision. These active ingredients are organized as five Essential Elements:

  • Understanding the Family Story
  • Holding the Baby or Child in Mind
  • Professional Use of Self
  • Parallel Process
  • Reflective Alliance

The first four Elements focus on the content of the supervisory session. In addition, the first four Elements are evidenced by five distinctive reflective processes employed by the supervisor and supervisee during supervision. We refer to these processes as Collaborative Tasks:

  • Describing
  • Responding
  • Exploring
  • Linking
  • Integrating

Collaborative Tasks are identified by using Indicators for each of the Tasks. Indicators are specific, concrete examples of ways in which the supervisor and supervisee pay attention to the content of the conversation. The fifth Element, Reflective Alliance, is rated on a 5-point global scale that describes the ways in which the pair’s interactions are unique to reflective supervision in infant mental health practice.

We provide RIOS coding services for research or evaluation projects at universities and other organizations. We also train coders to reliability for research and evaluation projects. RIOS coders are trained to reliability using sample recordings of reflective sessions and feedback from our staff.

Get in touch with Meredith Reese at mreese@umn.edu to discuss how RPC can help with your research and evaluation projects.

RIOS practice framework

Shortly after the RIOS was developed as a research tool, supervisors and consultants began using the tool to train others in reflective supervision and as a practice tool to guide reflective work in all early childhood disciplines. The RIOS brings the rich understanding of reflection derived from clinical practice into a coherent framework for reflective practice. It is featured in the Best Practice Guidelines for Reflective Supervision/Consultation published by the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.

CEED offers two online courses on the RIOS:

We also offer customized training for program staff in early education, home visiting, child welfare, and other disciplines.

Get in touch with Deborah Ottman at dottman@umn.edu to discuss professional development opportunities for your organization.

The RIOS was developed in collaboration with representatives from member states of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health with professional organizations that have adopted the Infant Mental Health Endorsement system created by the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.

Building Family Resiliency

Building Family Resiliency: Community Voices, Community Perspectives is a podcast for professionals who work with young children and their family. CEED’s Deborah Ottman interviews guests about child development and family relationships.

The Building Family Resiliency: Community Voices, Community Perspectives podcast is the result of a collaborative effort by CEED and the Institute on Community Integration. The podcast aims to support professionals who work with young children and their families by providing accessible information about child development and family relationships.

Building Family Resiliency was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as part of their Learn the Signs Act Early initiative, which encourages families, communities, and organizations to screen children for potential developmental delays early on. Learn the Signs Act Early also offers a wealth of free developmental tools for parents and professionals.

All nine episodes of Building Family Resiliency are available to stream on the Institute on Community Integration’s MN Act Early website and on CEED’s YouTube channel.

Episode 1: “Welcome to the podcast!” with Deb Ottman and Jennifer Hall-Lande, PhD

Episode 2: “What contributes to building resiliency in early childhood?” with Anne Gearity, PhD

Episode 3: “Resiliency and early childhood development” with Alyssa Meuwissen, PhD

Episode 4: “Learn the Signs, Act Early and Help Me Grow: joined links in the resiliency chain” with Jennifer Hall-Lande, PhD, and Anna Paulson

Episode 5: “Filling the resiliency well: childcare providers caring for children, families and themselves” with Priscilla Weigel and Palm Walz

Episode 6: “Community voices, community perspectives: building resiliency in the Latino community” with Andrea Castillo

Episode 7: “Community voices, community perspectives: building resiliency in the Hmong community” with Julie Li Yang and Bao Vang

Episode 8: “Community voices, community perspectives: building resiliency in the African-American community” with Andre Dukes and Sierra Leone Williams

Episode 9: “Community voices, community perspectives: building resiliency in the Native American community” with Karla Sorby Decker

Episode 10: “Community voices, community perspectives: building resiliency in the Somali community” with Deqa Farah

Flexibility, autonomy, and relevance: Anna Landes Benz on learning opportunities for adults

In our latest staff Q & A, Curriculum Specialist Anna Landes Benz shares her thoughts on creating professional development for adults. She argues that online and in-person learning are too different to make apples-to-apples comparisons. An avid reader, she also discusses her latest reads and the app she uses to make books social.

Anna Landes Benz

Anna Landes Benz joined CEED as a curriculum specialist in 2023 after working in curriculum development across all subject areas, degree levels, and delivery modalities at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. Her background also includes experience in junior high and high school classrooms as a special education teacher. In this staff Q & A, Landes Benz discusses the differences between in-person and online learning, as well as between traditional students and adult learners. An avid reader, she also shares her most recent reads.

Describe your role at CEED.

ALB: I collaborate on professional development materials and online learning opportunities for professionals who work in the early childhood field. This can take different forms. For example, I am helping to develop CEED’s new series of Tip Sheets. I am also collaborating with the Minnesota Department of Education to create online self-study modules for early childhood special education leaders and the personnel at the Minnesota Centers of Excellence.  

Part of my role is ensuring that the modules are as accessible as possible for participants’ differing abilities. That entails making documents available in different formats. It also means flexibility in how learners are able to engage with the material–whether they’re most comfortable with reading, watching videos, or listening to recordings–and in how they respond to the content. There’s a lot of potential for flexibility in self-study modules. 

How do you make sure that participants in a self-study module get the knowledge and skills that you want them to get out of it? Is that aspect more challenging online than in-person?

One principle of adult learning that comes into play here is that each learner has their own experience and engagement level. No matter what the course–whether it’s a self-study module or a degree program–they have autonomy. Of course, all students have some degree of autonomy–even preschoolers. They can and do choose how they engage with the educator’s program. With adult learners, though, there is a greater need to relinquish control, because the participants are going to engage with the information in whatever way they choose.  

Is it more challenging from a design perspective? I don’t think so. Pre-pandemic, there was a lot of resistance from educators to move from in-person to online asynchronous learning. I think a lot of that resistance came from comparing in-person and asynchronous learning. But having considered this deeply, I’ve had to conclude that comparing the two is like comparing an apple with a pear. Really, the only similarity between an in-person course and its asynchronous counterpart is that they take place over a certain span of time and share learning objectives. So it’s not that creating an online course is more challenging, it’s that you have to approach it differently because it is different. The pandemic forced people to move online, whether synchronous or asynchronous, showing them that learning can still happen if you’re willing to get creative.

What are some of the things that differentiate in-person and online learning?

To take one example, when in a physical classroom, an instructor relies a lot on performance. Instructors are subject matter experts, so they can answer questions and follow tangents on the fly. They don’t necessarily have to come in meticulously prepared for a particular class. For an online asynchronous course, on the other hand, you have to pre-plan and pre-load. You have to anticipate what students are going to struggle with and do a lot of mitigating on the front end. Self-study modules are similar in terms of the amount of front-end work. And like any course, in-person or virtual, they have to evolve with feedback over time. 

You mentioned earlier that every learner has some autonomy, even a preschooler. How are adult learners different from children and young adults?

Adults tend to bring to the classroom more professional experiences and life experiences in many different roles. Adult learners also have a lot going on. They typically have more responsibilities than younger people have, so flexibility is key: flexibility in terms of when and how they complete their work, but also understanding from instructors, because life happens. Adult learners have competing priorities, juggling jobs, family, and school, and none of those fit into neat boxes of allocated time.

Another important point when thinking about adult learners is relevance. It’s just good teaching practice, no matter what the age level, to avoid assigning unnecessary busy work. All learners appreciate when instructors are very transparent about why a given assignment is required. Adults are certainly no exception. And “why” includes the stated purpose–because the course says so–but it also often includes hidden purposes. A question I often come back to is: “How would this material show up in a participant’s work?” As an example, I’m helping create an action planning template for a professional development module. The template is intended to give participants a chance to practice documentation. However, if a participant has a similar form that is required at their place of work, they should by all means use that instead. The learner will be able to take their new skills directly back to their workplace and make immediate changes in their practice. It’s important to be really thoughtful about building those additional benefits into the course.

What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of work?

I like being outside, whether that’s gardening or playing with my dogs or hiking or biking. I also do a lot with textiles, mainly quilting, but also weaving and other textile arts. I read a lot very broadly. I just read Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals by Alexis Pauline Gumbs, which I recommend approaching as a daily meditation. I’m currently listening to The Nature of the Beast, a mystery by Louise Penny. I love young adult fiction also and am reading a series called Firebird by Claudia Gray. As a way of discovering and sharing my enjoyment of books, I use an app called Storygraph with a wonderful feature called “buddy reads.” You and a friend can read the same book and leave comments that won’t unlock until you get to that point in the story. That way there are no spoilers, but you also don’t forget what you were going to tell each other.

NEW! Tip sheets on executive function

Learn about the key skills described by the term executive function, as well as the role of culture and context in shaping children’s behavior in different environments. Then gain practical strategies for supporting the development of executive function skills in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Our new series of evidence-based tip sheets explore topics of relevance to early childhood professionals. Our latest tip sheets on Executive Function are now available!

Each topic has an Introducing It tip sheet and an Applying It tip sheet. The Introducing It tip sheet gives background information and current research about the topic. You can think of this as the “why” behind our recommendations. The Applying It tip sheet suggests ways to implement your new knowledge. This explores the “how” of each topic.

Download these free resources, and make sure to check out the other tip sheets in the series.

Tip sheets: executive function

Learn about the key skills described by the term executive function, as well as the role of culture and context in shaping children’s behavior in different environments. Then gain practical strategies for supporting the development of executive function skills in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Our evidence-based tip sheets for early childhood professionals break topics down into two parts: theory (Introducing It) and practice (Applying It). Below you’ll find tip sheets that explore key components of executive function, the role of co-regulation, and new research on how culture and context shape children’s behaviors in different environments.

Download these free resources below, and make sure to check out the other tip sheets in the series.

TARSS Trainer and RBPD Specialist Symposium: participant feedback

Find out what participants had to say about this year’s Symposium.

We’re sharing takeaways from the 2023 TARSS Trainer and RBPD Specialist Symposium. Thank you to all who participated and to our incredible speakers and session leaders for making this a great event!

Trainer and RBPD Specialist Symposium Takeaways

60 people attended the Symposium; the following is based on feedback from the 36 attendees who responded to the survey.

Who participated?

  • 39% were trainers
  • 56% were RBPD Specialists
  • 6% were consultants
  • 11% were Department of Human Services (DHS) grantees

How did participants rate the content?

  • 97% felt the information presented at the event was high quality
  • 100% felt the information presented at the event was relevant to their work
  • 100% felt that through information presented at the event they learned new skills

Interested in attending next year? Mark your calendar for end of April 2024 and look out for more information from the TARSS team. Please share with others who may be interested, and stay subscribed to our newsletters to know about upcoming offerings.

New website provides child welfare professionals with evidence-based resources on child development

With our colleagues at the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW), we’ve created a website to provide child welfare workers with foundational information about child development.

The Center for Early Education and Development (CEED) and the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) at the University of Minnesota have launched Child Development for Child Welfare, a website featuring evidence-based resources on child development aimed at frontline child welfare workers as well as their supervisors.

A group of children look intently at a book held by an adult. One child leans forward to point at the page

“Our goal in building the Child Development for Child Welfare website was to make information about child development easily available to child protection workers and to those who train them,” says Stacy Gehringer, MSW, LICSW, director of outreach at CASCW. “When visitors access the materials on the site, they’ll notice that most of the example situations that are discussed relate to child welfare. But we also want to get the word out about the site to people who work and interact with young children and their families in a variety of other capacities.”

“Guardians ad litem, public defenders, and judges are one group of professionals that comes to mind,” adds Alyssa Meuwissen, PhD, research associate at CEED. “These resources are also appropriate for educators, foster care providers, and adoptive parents. From brain development to toxic stress to cultural humility, there is a wealth of information available on the site.”

Visitors to the website can browse by subject or by the format of the resource, including videos, podcasts, and online trainings. All of the resources provided are designed to meet the professional development needs of people working in the child welfare discipline, both in content and in methodology. All are available to access for free at cd4cw.umn.edu.

This training product was supported by Federal Title IV-E funds via grant #GK302 from Minnesota Department of Human Services, Children and Family Services Division.