We’re excited to introduce a new series of evidence-based tip sheets that explore topics of relevance to early childhood professionals. Each topic has an Introducing It tip sheet and an Applying It tip sheet. The Introducing It tip sheet gives background information and current research about the topic. You can think of this as the “why” behind our recommendations. The Applying It tip sheet suggests ways to implement your new knowledge. This explores the “how” of each topic.
Our first tip sheets are available now! This set of tip sheets introduces causes of unmanageable stress in children, the role the brain plays, and the impact a child’s unmanageable stress may have on caregiving adults. It also describes what children need to remain emotionally regulated. Finally, it introduces the steps adult caregivers can take in preventing stress in a child before challenging behaviors occur, and how to respond when a child uses behavior to communicate feelings.
Look for new Tip Sheets rolling out regularly over the coming months on topics such as:
- Reflective listening
- Authentic assessment
- The importance of play
- And more!
What other topics would you like to read about? Feedback is welcome at ceed@umn.edu.
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Tags: child care, early childhood education, infant and early childhood mental health, parents and caregivers, professional development, reflective practice