Tips for Supporting Infants’ and Young Children’s Transition as We Re-open

Resource Guide 2 provides guidance for supporting and responding to the stress that some children experienced in transitioning back to child care during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes tips on making behavior expectations clear, making positive attention a regular part of the day, and more.

The Resource Guides in our series are intended for people who work with infants and young children. Most of the Resource Guides are accompanied by handouts with practical ideas and activities related to the topic. The Resource Guides were compiled by CEED for the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). They are posted with MDE’s permission.

Topic: Preparing for Children’s Return

Resource Guide 2: Tips for Supporting Infants’ and Young Children’s Transition as We Re-open

Handout 2.1: Clearly State Behavior Expectations

Handout 2.2: Positive Attention

Handout 2.3: Our Preschool Rules

Handout 2.4: Tucker Turtle Takes Time to Tuck and Think

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