Did you miss any of this year’s most popular posts the first time around? Make yourself a cup of hot cocoa, get cozy with a favorite blanket, and catch up on our most-read articles!

#1: Parenting in a pandemic is hard; self- determination theory helps us understand why
#2: A three-part series:
- Part 1: Will our kids be okay? Parents’ concerns about the pandemic’s effect on children
- Part 2: The middle ground: supporting children’s brain development during the pandemic
- Part 3: The pandemic’s biggest impact on children? How it affects adults
#3: CEED to provide professional development for trainers and coaches through state of MN grant
#4: CEED, Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare launch new podcast
#5: The reflective colleague: tips from reflective practice for returning to in-person work
#6: Honoring the “unique cultural diamond” in each of us: Q & A with Barbara Stroud
#7: Mind the gap: watching Mr Rogers’ Neighborhood as experiential learning
#8: Alyssa Meuwissen and colleagues awarded multiyear grant for new reflective supervision study
#9: “There is always room to grow and learn as a supervisor”: Q & A with Una Majmudar
#10: Thinking through “how” and “why” when beginning reflective supervision: Q & A with Tracy Schreifels
To all our readers and colleagues in the early childhood sector, we are grateful for you and your vital work. We hope 2022 brings you joy and fulfillment!
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Tags: child care, covid-19, early childhood education, infant and early childhood mental health, parents and caregivers, professional development, reflective practice, reflective supervision, staff and faculty